Yes, definitely. I spent a bit of time on the Love Shy forums after watching an excellent documentary about incels called "Shy Boys:"
The forums themselves (that I won't link to) are probably 80-20 male to female.
The documentary is hard to watch, but still fascinating. I went on the love shy forums because I am a professional copywriter, and I had quite a bit of success dating online when I was single.
I thought I could help some of the people on that forum craft compelling dating ads. The world of online dating (not tinder or hook up sites) gives someone with a personality a leg-up that they might not have in a loud, crowded bar or in a public setting.
I've never been the type of guy to approach women in public and I've never had much success asking women out in person - but I had plenty of dates once I spent some time writing fun, interesting dating ads.
Unfortunately, the people in that forum are seemingly (or were, this was a few years ago) almost without any hope at all. I couldn't get anyone to even try to let me help them. Pretty disheartening.