Unfortunately, the tenor of this conversation publicly is that there is NO price too high to pay by keeping the shut down going, because it will save lives. If you disagree, you’re some kind of callous prick who values money over human life.
Somehow, public safety is the only thing people can think about. We know Americans on average live recklessly sedentary lives even though heart disease is the #1 killer, who drive more in cars despite automobile accidents being a top 5 cause of death for most age groups, who smoke, drink, sunbathe and engage in 100 other death-defying, cancer causing activities.
But when it comes to the health of the public, they’re suddenly puritanical stewards?
This narrative is of course being force-fed to people by the media and the political class, and people are desperate to be force-fed anything when they don’t know how to think for themselves, I suppose.