Umair, you failed again. And your failures are mounting.
First, you fail to even define or seemingly understand what “society” is at all.
Society is little more than organized groups of people, bound loosely by traditions, language, laws and territory.
The most important part of society is a subset of it, called “civil society.”
That’s everything from small businesses to social clubs, to a volunteer fire department, charities, churches, the boy scouts, beer league softball, mutual aid groups, independent media and everything in between.
The state is part of society as well. High functioning societies spring from states that foster healthy, diverse civil society.
Low functioning, broken societies tend to destroy civil society.
Tocqueville noticed 200 years ago that Americans enjoyed a unique and vibrant civil society.
When the US Congress and President decide to go fuck up some Middle Eastern country, they of course manage to destroy the government first. As a side effect, they frequently screw up aspects of civil society. Then the geniuses at the Pentagon wonder why the place they bombed to hell is still there.
But if you don’t have a civil society — and if you actively, purposely and systematically undermine it, outlaw it and stifle it, you are sowing the seeds of society’s destruction at the same time.
America’s civil society is still among the strongest of any nation. We have more volunteers, more sports clubs, more churches, and social clubs per capita than any country on earth. We value our freedom, even though you sneer at it.
We value our non-governmental organizations. We mean to keep them. We don’t want more top-down, centralized busybodies telling us what to do.
We’re not sociopaths for wanting to control our own destiny. YOU are a sociopath for wanting to control US and your projection is loud and clear.