This story is really bad news for medium.
What does it say about Medium that 1) they're pushing an obvious AI generated writer as their TOP highlighted story in their email blast and 2) the AI writing is kind of crappy and filled with obvious bias?
It's not as if medium is like "hey check out this experimental AI fiction" it's pushed out as the #1 highlighted story with no context.
If you've been on medium for any amount of time you might have noticed that certain authors with certain perspectives are elevated, while those outside of that very narrow center-left window are non-existent. Isn't it odd that there are ZERO right-leaning writers elevated on this site?
Many prominent heterodox (anti-establishment) writers on the right or even the center/libertarian have left this platform and gone on to much greater success on other platforms. Their success points to the likelihood that Medium is not just an impartial blog platform designed to help writers flourish, but rather an ideological filter that only wants to promote certain propaganda and narrative.
Instead of helping those writers on Medium, medium is now putting out bad AI writing. Is medium okay? Was it ever?