The income tax was passed along with the Federal Reserve act to guarantee that the political class could always fund wars, expand their influence and wealth ALL at the expense of the lower and middle class.
Every tax starts off as a promise to soak the rich - to make them pay their fair share. People dutifully support such taxation, and then WONDER of wonders, they find themselves paying these same taxes within a generation while the rich have the political class (some of the same folks) to write tax laws they can avoid.
Meanwhile, when you and I get our paycheck, upwards of 13% of our income has ALREADY been taken out. They call it the payroll tax, and they tell you and me that it's going to fund social security, etc. You think you're getting any social security when you retire?
I already got a letter from the SSA telling me I won't.
Taxation is theft. Most of the government's budget goes to war. Roads, schools, etc. (the things people actually want) cost a fraction of what we currently pay in taxes. We're being ripped off, and we're fucking the world up because the political class is a group of murderous criminals who tell you whatever you want to hear while they bomb, torture, assassinate and ruin millions of lives in order to maintain their power.