Sherry, you're the one struggling with a very simple question. I'm offering you a simple path to understanding. It's not about intellectualism at all. It's about empathy and humility. I loathe both candidates for different reasons but I love many people who will vote for them. I'm not some super genius empath either.
Dismissing my answer shows a lack of real curiosity. I'm not calling anyone names or responding with venom or hate for people I disagree with. For any number of grievances you have for Trump, his speeches, his policies, I can come up with two someone will have for Harris. I could do this forever. What then?
Before you completely dismiss 70 million people you owe to yourself if not to them to do more work to understand them without resorting to demonization. You asked the question. That's easy. Unless it was a bad faith question, there are ways to discover the answers that aren't "you're a nazi."
It's actually not difficult at all to answer this question with charitable responses. I can do that for Harris voters as well as Trump voters. You should try it. It might bring you peace.