My observation suggests any tax passed will end up being regressive because our political system is de facto corrupt and self-interested.
Designing a tax system that doesn't have endless loopholes is simple. Any first year accountant could do it. The tax code is as screwed up as it is on purpose.
So maybe a consumption tax would be better, but I also fear it would just be another tax on the pile that can be easily avoided if you're rich enough, but impossible to avoid the poorer you tend to be.
I always hear these bright eyed politicians talk about raising taxes, but you notice: they never talk about reforming taxes. They never talk about closing loopholes or creating a new tax code that makes a lick of sense. It's all kabuki theater designed to distract us from their wars.
They argue 24/7 about petty political BS but when it comes time to vote for the NDAA there's nary a peep. WEIRD