It’s chilling to think that we need some kind of Patriot Act or War On Terror, but this time, on civilian gun ownership. Both of those plans were written down before 9/11. Our cowardly politicians voted for them for the same reason politicians are clamoring for “gun control” today: fear. More to the point: they failed! The political response to 9/11 is a total failure. It’s created way more terrorism. It’s destroyed way more lives than 9/11 itself. It will cast a dark shadow on the world for a century to come. The fruit it will bear has not even flowered.
It’s the same recipe that got us the abysmal failure and shocking human rights nightmare called the War on Drugs. It’s the same ol’ chestnut that convinced Americans to vote for military industrial complex stooges waging a “cold war” against commies in the 1950s-1960s.
There is no limit on human fears. They can always be rallied to vote for another war on something they’re afraid of.
Note that we’re STILL fighting the Pentagon’s forever wars, and the war on drugs and the war on terror. All we have to show for it is the world’s largest military, prison and police state.
But sure, if we ban civilian gun ownership, I’m sure the state will not grow still larger and more dangerous to human life.
Don’t let yourself to be scared into voting away all of your liberties. The salve to your fear and hysteria is not some shiny politician’s promises(!) — it’s the truth that gun homicides are exceedingly rare in all but a tiny sliver of the United States — which I might add is a direct downstream result of the disastrous war on drugs predictably turning our inner cities into war zones.
If you keep clamoring for a war, you will of course eventually get one. There are lots of people with lots of guns who will point those guns back at you if you start pointing guns at them first. And make no mistake: the political theater of talking about banning guns REQUIRES men with guns pointed to pull it off. Don’t kid yourself to the contrary.