I’m still seeing casual mentions that the curve isn’t flattened in most places. The disinformation from the media is so bad, there’s no point in trying to have rational conversations. People who watch the MSM are apt to believe things that just aren’t true.
The bigger picture is that for some reason, the blue tribe is aligned not just with shut downs, but with the most authoritarian responses to people who push back against shut downs. Locking up salon owners and people daring to go to the gym is now a democrat position. And these draconian measures are again linked to an increasingly untrue narrative about the danger of this virus.
A whole tribe now must believe something that’s demonstrably false AND incredibly damaging to a huge swath of their constituency. Working class people are taking it hard in the crotch from this shut down and the only political leaders that show any interest in helping them get back to work to earn a living are red tribe. If blue tribe members aren’t extremely lucky AND careful, they’re going to unwind 50 years of aligning themselves with the working class. Despite what the most cynical members of the blue or red tribe might believe about the working class, these people aren’t fundamentally interested or satisfied in sitting at home collecting welfare checks.
Telling them they “can’t” earn a living because mommy blue tribe government knows best while the other tribe is treating them like adults will not bode well for the blues.