I didn’t say covid wasn’t a big deal. It’s a pandemic with a serious mortality rate. But it’s still less likely to kill most people than heart disease. Those same people up in arms about someone going to the park or trying to eke out a living so they can, y’know, live, in contravention of “the rules” passed down from people who have mucked up every decision until it was too late are also blithely disinterested in the actual likelihood of dying from heart disease. The mania is not about public health. The public is demonstrably disinterested in its health except for suddenly now, because they’ve been told to.
At this point, though many people are being claimed by covid, we have no idea the actual mortality rate. We haven’t de-duped people who were terminally ill and would have died in a drafty room anyway. We don’t know how many people have already had covid and recovered, or had it and didn’t even have any symptoms. There’s some evidence that our estimates of the infection rate are off by several orders of magnitude. So as BJ pointed out in another article, we don’t really know the numerator and we definitely don’t know the denominator.
Out of an abundance of caution, many people were already socially distancing before official shutdowns. Months later, we still don’t have any idea of the danger, and that lack of information is still being used as a reason to shut down in perpetuity. My counter argument is that there is too high a price to pay. For some people, the price was a few weeks ago. You may disagree but I have to wonder if you eat food or heat your home. Eventually that price will be paid too. Would that be too high? What if by starving you in your home, we could collectively save just one more life? If that’s too high a price then again, you’re a callous jerk, right?
If we find out that this was akin to a bad flu year and it primarily killed people with a life expectancy under 6 months and that forcing people indoors may have even worsened the transmission, we’ll have some ‘splainin to do to people whose jobs are gone and are not coming back.
There’s just as many examples as there are counter-examples to why it’s a good idea to be a good obedient citizen, and we owe it to ourselves and the poorest among us to at least question the official narrative — especially when there’s evidence that it’s wrong.
There is evidence that it’s wrong, and it seems like there’s not much of an emphasis from the political class to find the truth because they’ve maybe discovered that they like being the star of the show and they think they can make political hay of it.